2 evaluation diagnostics, 1 wavelength certification, Evaluation diagnostics – Metrohm NIRS XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer User Manual

Page 48: Wavelength certification

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Evaluation Diagnostics

Evaluation Diagnostics are used to verify that the instrument is operating within allowable
parameters. These tests should be run approximately once per week.

This information is meant to guide the user through the tests in an expeditious manner. A more
complete description of these tests is given in the Vision Manual, in the Diagnostics section. A
discussion of the theory and interpretation of results is provided in the Vision manual.


Wavelength Certification

Wavelength Certification is used to confirm the peak positions of the instrument to a defined,
external wavelength standard.

Click on Diagnostics,
Wavelength Certification, Run
Wavelength Certification.

The Number of Samples should be 10, as

Recent Vision software defaults to the “Trans
Cal Std” (XC-1300) which gives more
information than Polystyrene-Didymium type in
the XC-1310 or XC-1320 set.

Note that the front (rare-earth) glass in the XC-
1300 “Trans Cal Std” is reddish-pink in color,
not green.

Select “Trans Cal Std.” as shown.

Click “OK” when ready.

Vision requests the Standard File for the
wavelength standard. This file is located on the
mini-CD in the XC-1300 standard set. It may be
read using the CD/DVD drive, or may be copied
into the C:\Vision directory as shown here.

The file name will be similar to that shown,
using the format TSS3Wxxx.da, as shown here.
The file contains the spectrum of the
WST3Wxxx standard to be scanned.

Click “Open” to proceed.