6 notes – maintenance – faults, 1 practical notes on ion chromatography, 1 separating columns – Metrohm 761 SD Compact IC User Manual

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6 Notes – Maintenance – Faults

761 SD Compact IC / Instructions for Use 8.



6 Notes – Maintenance

– Faults


Practical notes on ion chromatography

6.1.1 Separating


Separation efficiency
If difficulties occur, always first check the quality of the column by re-

cording a standard chromatogram.
You will find general tips on handling IC separating columns in

Metrohm Monography 8.732.2001 "Ion chromatography".

Using the interchangeable Metrosup RP Guard (6.1011.020) serves to

protect the actual separating column and substantially prolongs its ser-

vice life.

Always store separating columns closed and filled in accordance with

the manufacturer’s instructions when not in use.

Dead volume
Dead volume in the column can be the cause of extreme peak broad-

ening or splitting (occurrence of double peaks).

If the separation properties of the column have deteriorated, it can be

regenerated in accordance with the column manufacturer’s specifica-

tions. The instructions for regeneration can be found on the leaflet en-

closed with the column.

6.1.2 High-pressure


Pulsation dampener
It serves to reduce disturbing pulsations in the case of highly sensitive

measurements and also offers protection against pressure shocks act-

ing on the column material caused by injection (installation, see Section
