Add devices – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Quick Start User Manual

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FactoryTalk Alarms and Events System Configuration Guide


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Add devices

After creating one or more synchronization schedules, add the devices you want to
include in the schedules.

When you add a device, you can also match it to a synchronization schedule, or you
can add all of the devices first and then match them to synchronization schedules later.
If you add the devices later, you can add all of the devices to a single synchronization
schedule in one step.

You can add a device to only one synchronization schedule.

To add a device:

1. In the Logix5000 Clock Update Tool, in the left pane, click Devices.

2. Right-click the right pane and then click Add New Device or click the Add

Device button, shown at left.

3. In the RSLinx dialog box, browse to the device you want to add, select it, and

then click OK.

You cannot click OK unless you have selected a device that is capable of being
synchronized and has not already been configured.