Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Scheduler Users Guide User Manual

Page 85

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February 17 to midnight Saturday, February 22, we’ll get a more representative utilization

The new chart is shown at the right. When you
change the chart horizon, it is applied to all
resource, pooled, and waiting time charts. The
charts for materials still use the entire planning
horizon. This chart horizon will remain until you
exit the current FactoryTalk Scheduler application.
The next time you open the application, the chart
horizon will be reset to the entire time horizon.

Charts for pooled resources, our labor pool, show the number of labor resources available
during the scheduling period. Thus, if there are three workers on-shift and two are
currently scheduled, the chart will display a value of 1.

The material charts display two values—the amount of material currently on hand and the
amount of uncommitted material. The amount of uncommitted material takes into
consideration any operations that have already been allocated material in the future. For
example, if the on-hand material is currently at 100, but 75 of these have been allocated to
an operation that will start the next day, a value of 25 would be displayed for the
uncommitted material level.

The waiting-time charts display the total amount of work content waiting in front of the
resource. This work content includes the total processing time for operations waiting for
the resource, not including the processing time of the operation currently being processed.
Thus, the plot takes the form of a step function reflecting the arrival of new operations
(step up) and the start of processing of waiting operations (step down).

The performance metrics and charts are standard FactoryTalk Scheduler features and are
the same for all applications. FactoryTalk Scheduler reports can be customized to each
application. We provide a number of reports with our tutorial system that represent the