H - specifications, Drive specifications, Appendix h – Rockwell Automation 7000A PowerFlex Medium Voltage AC Drive (A Frame) - ForGe Control User Manual
Page 197: Specifications, Appendix

Rockwell Automation Publication 7000A-UM200C-EN-P - June 2014
Drive Specifications
ATTENTION: In the event of discrepancies between information published in
generic manual specifications and those included with your specific design or
electrical drawings, take the DD or EE ratings as correct values.
Table 13 - General Design Specifications
Motor Type
Induction or Synchronous
Input Voltage Rating
2400V, 3300V, 4160V, 6600V
Input Voltage Tolerance
± 10% of Nominal
Voltage Sag
Control Power Loss Ride-through
5 Cycles (Std)
> 5 Cycles (Optional UPS)
Input Protection
Surge Arrestors (AFE/Direct-to-Drive)
Input Frequency
50/60 Hz, +/- 0.2%
Power Bus Input Short-circuit
Current Withstand (2400…6600V
25 kA RMS SYM, 5 Cycle
Basic Impulse Level
45 kV (0…1000 m)
Power Bus Design
Copper - Tin plated
Ground Bus
Copper - Tin plated 6 x 51 mm (¼ x 2 in.)
Customer Control Wire Way
Separate and Isolated
Input Power Circuit Protection
Vacuum Contactor with Fused Isolating Switch
or Circuit Breaker
Output Voltage
0…6000V, 0…6300V, 0…6600V
Inverter Design
Inverter Switch
Inverter Switch Failure Mode
Non-rupture, Non-arc
Inverter Switch Failure Rate (FIT)
100 per 1 Billion Hours Operation
Inverter Switch Cooling
Double Sided, Low Thermal Stress
Inverter Switching Frequency
420…440 Hz