Opticon ESL User Manual

Page 17

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Opticon ESL


User Manual


5.1. Handling of incoming CSV-files from the back office

The placing and processing of incoming CSV-files is done as follows:

The file is moved/copied to a configurable local folder, called the ‘Input folder’.

When moving/copying the file from the Back office to the folder a temporary name is used,
i.e. ‘productdata_1.tmp’, ‘productdata_2.tmp’, etc.

After a check that the complete file has been moved/copied, the file will be renamed to its
final name, i.e. ‘productdata_1.csv’, ‘productdata_2.csv’, etc.

The server application will pick up the CSV-file as soon as it detects this rename file event.

The numbers in the filenames should be sequential, interval is 1. The ESL server application
currently does not check the number of these files.

The file will be processed instantly, as the records contain no start/end date.

Once a file is processed, it will be moved to the configurable ‘Processed’ folder and the Back
office is able to put another file in the folder.

When errors occur, they will be reported in an error log in the ‘Log’ folder. The data file will
not be moved in case of errors.

The ESL server application will call the middleware applications to parse the incoming CSV-file
into a combined database file and generates the required configuration and image files that
are used to update the ESLs.

5.2. Handling of modified ESL-product links (linked.csv)

The link between an ESL label and a product is made by linking the unique MAC address
of the ESL label to the unique product ID.

To create, modify or delete a link, a barcode terminal can used (see chapter 7). Once the
links have been made, they will automatically be transferred back to the PC as soon as the
terminal is placed back into its cradle.

To process the modified links, the middleware applications will automatically be called by
the server application as soon as the link-database is received.

If no barcode terminal is being used and the ESL are linked using a different method (i.e.
using th

e existing cash register), then the „linked.csv‟ file should be placed in the „Output‟

folder as follows:

When moving/copying the link-file a temporary name should be used, i.e. ‘linked.tmp’

After that, the file should be renamed to its final name: ‘linked.csv’ (and overwrite the existing
file is present).

Each record of the link-file should have the following exact format:

;H;<16-digit MAC address>