Designing the esl image layout – Opticon ESL User Manual
Page 14

Opticon ESL
User Manual
closing the Setup window, delete any existing links from the barcode terminal as well by using
“4 settings > 1 Delete Data” to prevent any links to be resend by the terminal.
After deleting the necessary files and closing the Setup window, the system will
automatically starts detecting any incoming CSV-
files in the configured „Input folder‟
again. (See chapter 4)
3.4. Designing the ESL image layout
Probably the most important step in the customization process of the ESL system is
determining the desired end-result, being the images that should be displayed on the
When designing the layout of an e-
paper ESL it‟s important to know the limitations of what
can and what can‟t be displayed.
The main characteristics are:
Fixed resolution of 200x96 pixels
Monochrome images only (black/white)
No anti-aliasing can be used on fonts (limiting the amount of available fonts)
Monochrome company logos and other product (group) images can be added to the layout.
Barcodes can be added using data of CSV-database
Texts can be rotated only in 90° angles (currently only horizontal is supported in this version)
Dynamic texts, using information from the database, can be added and aligned as desired.
Different templates for groups of ELSs is possible by adding objects to the template using
logical conditions (i.e. condition: ‘field x’ (group) equals ‘5’)
Currently, the layout of an ESL image is specified using a template file, which is XML-
based. Using very basic XML-
tags it‟s possible to manually edit the included example
template. Default location of the template is "./Templates/Image.xml".
Detailed instructions on how to edit the XML-based image template file can be found in
Appendix A: Editing the ESL template files.
Note: In the near future a graphical user interface will be added to the ESL system that
will allow you to design the image layout more easily and with more features.