Pre-allocating multiple test runs – MTS TW Elite User Manual
Page 68

(Signal("Run/Stop") != 0)
This causes the While Loop activity to terminate if the stop state is present when the Run section ends.
Pre-Allocating Multiple Test Runs
If you are testing multiple specimens, you can improve the speed and reliability of your testing by
pre-allocating test runs for each specimen. When you pre-allocate test runs, you can specify unique variable
values for each specimen prior to running tests.
Both test designers using TWE and test operators using TWX can pre-allocate specimens. The strategy
you use to implement pre-allocation depends upon your lab’s workflow. The following two examples illustrate
scenarios in which either the test designer or operator would use the pre-allocate feature:
When designing a test, the test designer knows that 10 specimens will be tested. The test designer
also knows the properties of each specimen. So, the test designer pre-allocates 10 test runs and enters
the variable values for each specimen. The test designer then changes the names of the test runs to
Specimen 1, Specimen 2, Specimen 3, and so on for each specimen. Finally, the test designer marks
each specimen with the corresponding number. When the operator receives the test and batch of
specimens marked 1-10, he or she selects the appropriate specimen for each pre-allocated test run.
The operator oftentimes receives batches of specimens that have varying properties. Because of this,
the lab has decided that it is not efficient for the test designer to spend time designing a new test for
each batch of specimens. So, when the operator receives a new batch of specimens, her or she
pre-allocates test runs for each specimen based on the specimen properties that were recorded on a
data sheet or USB flash drive that was sent with the batch of specimens. Additionally, because it is
possible to open the Review tab while a test is in progress, the operator runs the first pre-allocated
test run and then works on configuring the remaining test runs while the first test run is in progress. To
pre-allocate multiple test runs, perform the following:
1. On the Review tab, click the Actions button.
2. Select Preallocate.
3. In the window that appears, enter the number of test runs you want to pre-allocate.
4. Click OK. The top-most table on the Review tab is populated with the pre-allocated test runs.
When you pre-allocate test runs, each test run uses the test's default variable values. When you
select a test run, you can edit the variable values for each test run in the lower table of the Review
When you click the green Run button, the top-most test run in the list begins. When it completes, you can
click the green Run button again to begin the second test run in the list, and so on until you reach the last
test run at the bottom of the list. The names of test runs that have not yet been run are italicized. To run
a specific test run as opposed to running tests in the list from top-to-bottom, right-click a test run and select
Run Test.
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