Statistics table, Panel of charts and tables – MTS TW Elite User Manual
Page 54

Configure Autotag rules
The Autotag feature allows you to create rules that determine when a test run is automatically tagged
(excluded). The Autotag rules are applied as each test run is run or can be defined and applied post test.
Tagging specimens manually
You can manually tag (exclude) test runs by selecting the test runs in the Tagged column. Tagged test
run data is not compiled in the Statistics table.
Statistics Table
The Statistics table (3) contains statistical data calculated from test runs. These calculations include data
from all of the completed test runs that are not tagged (excluded). The example test includes Mean and
Standard Deviation values.
Configuring statistics
You can add additional statistical values to the Statistics table with the Configure Statistics feature on the
right-click menu.
Panel of Charts and Tables
The Charts and Tables Panel (4) displays a chart of the active (highlighted) test run, in addition to the test
runs selected (checked) in the Compare column. For more information about the table and chart views
that can be shown in the Panel, see the MTS TestSuite TW Elite User Guide.
In the example test, the chart in the Panel shows an Array-Variable Chart that plots load versus extension.
It includes the following markers:
B (Slope 1 Index, or beginning of modulus)
M (Slope 2 Index, or end of modulus)
F (Break Index, or point of failure)
Y (Yield Index, or point of yield)
In the example test, the F (Break Index) and Y (Yield Index) markers are at the same point, and
the marker symbols are positioned on top of one another.
Chart markers
Chart markers are variables. Each marker on the chart defines a data point in the test run. Chart marker
variables can be defined by either a calculation or the occurrence of a run-time event. In either case, the
marker variable saves an index into a data array. When the marker is added to a chart, its position represents
the X and Y axis values associated with the index.
54 | MTS TestSuite
Examine the Example Test