Go to + daq + detection activity – MTS TW Elite User Manual
Page 35

About detector action resources
Actions are test resources. By default, the only action available to the detectors in the example test is No
Action. The MTS Insight controller also supports Program Hold, Program Stop, and Interlock actions, but
these actions have been removed from the test because they are not used.
About restoring detector actions
You can restore unused controller resources to tests by importing them with the controls in the Resources
tab (Define tab > Resources subtab). In
(p. 81), you will restore all controller
actions to the example test.
For More Information
(p. 81)
Go To + DAQ + Detection Activity
This composite activity performs multiple functions associated with the following tabs:
Go To
Limit Detection
Break Detection
Wait for Operator Action
For most tests, including the example test, the command content of the test is provided by one or more
Go To + DAQ + Detection activities in the Run section.
Go To tab
The Go To tab is configured to ramp the crosshead at a rate defined by the Test Rate variable. The
Termination Condition on this tab is not enabled, so the ramp is configured to continue until a specimen
failure is detected by the condition specified in the Break Detection tab. If that condition is not detected,
the ramp continues until one of the other branches of the Parallel Branch activity (such as a limit detection
branch) completes.
MTS TestSuite | 35
Examine the Example Test