Branches in the parallel paths activity, Path for the typical test flow, Path – MTS TW Elite User Manual

Page 34: With the state change detector, Path with the limit detector for the specimen, With the limit detector for the load cell

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Digital Input Detector activity: Handset Connected. For more
information, see

Path with the Digital Input Detector for the handset



Branches in the Parallel Paths Activity

The nested Parallel Paths activity in the example test contains five parallel branches. All of the branches
are terminal, meaning the completion of any of the paths ends all of the other paths.

Path for the typical test flow

In a typical test flow, the path that contains the Auto Offset and the Go To + DAQ + Detection activities
(1) ends the other paths when the specimen fails. The Auto Offset activity resets the running time of the
test run to zero, and the Go To + DAQ + Detection activity provides program command.

Path with the State Change Detector

The State Change Detector path (2) detects a stopped test state. If the operator clicks the Stop button
while the Go To + DAQ + Detection activity issues command, the Stop Change Detector activity detects
the stopped state and ends the Parallel Path activity. So if the operator clicks the Stop control while the
system is ramping, the ramp stops immediately and the “Return to Zero?” prompt appears. Because of
this, the operator cannot stop and then resume command in the example test.

Path with the Limit Detector for the specimen

The first Limit Detection activity (3) detects minimum and maximum load values applied to the specimen
while the Parallel Path activity is active. The minimum and maximum values are defined by Load Limit
Low and Load Limit High variables. The action for both limits is set to No Action. This means if either of
the specified values are detected, the detector trips and the Parallel Path activity ends.

This activity protects the specimen by allowing you to define the maximum compressive and tensile forces
applied to the specimen while the command is applied.

Path with the Limit Detector for the load cell

The second Limit Detection activity (4) detects the maximum load value you wish to apply to the load cell
while the Parallel Path activity is active. The maximum value is defined by Load Cell Capacity variable.
The Action is set to No Action, which means if the specified value is detected, the Parallel Path activity

This activity protects the load cell by allowing you to define the maximum compressive force applied to
the load cell while command is applied.

Path with the Digital Input Detector for the handset

The Digital Input Detector activity (5) detects a transition from low-to-high in the DI/O port associated
with the handset while the Parallel Path activity is active. The Action is set to No Action, which means if
the transition is detected, the Parallel Path activity ends. When the handset is connected, the DI/O port
is biased high.

This activity stops the command if the handset cable is disconnected while command is applied.

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Examine the Example Test