MTS TW Elite User Manual

Page 23

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If you select the Automatically Map option and then change the
Number of Active Load Cells value, some variables will be
created or removed.

If you map variables manually, and then select Auto Map
, your manually created variables will be overwritten
by the automatically-generated variables.

Specify variables that are not in the Common category. For example,
if Number of Active Load Cells is 5 and the Width variable is added

Test Run Variables

to this list, the other five variables should be mapped to the Width
variable (such as Width1, Width2… Width5). At the end of the test, the
variable values from Width1, Width2, and so on, must be moved to the
Width variable in the appropriate test runs. Click the green plus sign to
add a variable. To delete a variable, select a variable in the list and click
the red minus sign.

Click the Configure button to open the Map Variables window.

Specify the name of the array variable that is used to gather data from
the Force (Load) channel. Map it to the other array variables as

Load Array Variable

described above in the Test Run Variables description. At the end of
the test, the variable values from mapped arrays must be moved to the
selected Load Array variable in the appropriate test runs. Click the
Configure button to open the Map Variables window.

Select to map additional array variables to the other array variables.
You can also move data from mapped variables to the selected array

Enable Extension Channels

variable at the end of the test. Click the Configure button to open the
Map Variables window.

Select to have the trimming process performed after the data has been
split into test-run files. The trimming process will keep the point identified

Trim Data

by the variable. In other words, the data will be trimmed at the variable
index plus one. If the variable is invalid, no truncation will take place
and a message will be logged. Default for Truncate after data point:

MTS TestSuite | 23
