MTS TW Elite User Manual
Page 38

When the detector is armed and the peak load value drops by the percentage defined by the Break
Sensitivity variable, a break is detected. The action is set to No Action. This means if a break is detected,
the detector trips and the Parallel Path activity ends.
For many types of tensile tests, the test run completes when the specimen fails and the break detector
Break Detection Tab
Wait for Operator Action tab
The Wait for Operator Action tab enables the operator to click a button shown on the Monitor tab while
the test run is being performed. Clicking this button prematurely ends the Parallel Path activity.
The button label shown on the Monitor tab is determined by the text entered in the Display Text box.
In the example test, the button is labeled Next Segment. When the operator clicks the Next Segment
button on the Monitor tab while the test is running, program command stops and the "Return to Zero?”
message is shown.
38 | MTS TestSuite
Examine the Example Test
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