HYDAC CSI-F-10 User Manual
Page 76

GSM Radio Module CSI-F-10
Page 76
Status 29.01.2009
8.1.5 Sensor constellation
For reliable system monitoring, ensure that exactly the same sensors that were
connected at the time the CSI-F-10 was configured are connected during operation.
The Sensor constellation is used for this purpose. The sensor constellation is a
monitoring instrument for the connected sensor system, i.e. it continually compares the
connected "Actual" sensor system and the specified "Reference" sensor system.
The sensor constellation is optional in the CSI-F-10 and not compulsory. If however a
sensor constellation has been saved, then the connected sensor system must match it.
When there is an activated sensor constellation, then an "incorrect" sensor connected
by mistake will be recognized, thus preventing a situation in which the CM program is
working with incorrect information.
A sensor constellation can be saved in files and loaded from files, and can be both
received and transferred by the CSI-F-10.
The constellation files all have the extension *.hescf.
The sensor constellation contains the following data:
- Quantity of connected sensors
- Quantity of subchannels for each connected sensor
- Status of each individual subchannel (active/inactive)
- Sensor class (analog / HSI / SMART)
- Units of the individual measured values
- Name of each sensor
- Device designation of each sensor
If a sensor constellation is available in the CM Editor, then you can use the correct
names in connection with the measurements during program generation. It will then be
the case that only those sensors and subchannels that are actually present will be
available and accessible for adjustment.
A status message at the lower edge of the window of the CM Editor indicates whether
or not a sensor constellation is available.
• With the function Apply from file, you can open a saved sensor constellation
file and use it in the CM Editor.
To do this, enter the corresponding path and file name in the window that opens
and then click on Open.
• With the function Apply from device, you transfer one of the sensor
constellations stored in the CSI-F-10 to your PC, after which you can use it in
the CM Editor.