Status, Controldesigner software, Image resources – ETC Unison Paradigm Touchscreen User Manual
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“Reset” button - when pressed, resets the LCD software causing a reboot and service
pin message to the connected processor.
“Mode” button - press once for “Setup menu”. Press and hold four seconds to
calibrate the Touchscreen.
“PoE” LED- illuminates solid when Power over Ethernet is present (NetConnect only).
“Aux” LED - illuminates solid when the Touchscreen is powered (LinkConnect only).
“Act” LED - reserved for future development.
“Svc” pin button - sends a “service pin” message when pressed, which sends the
station Neuron ID to the connected processor. This provides the same function as the
on screen [Service Pin] button found in the
“Svc” LED - illuminates when a service pin command has been sent to the processor.
“Data” LED - illuminates (flashing) to indicate transmission of data packets when the
Touchscreen is connected to a processor using LinkConnect.
“Link” LED - indicates a valid network connection is present to the Touchscreen using
NetConnect. This indicates connection to any Ethernet device (such as a switch).
“Data” LED - indicates by flashing LED when data is transmitted over NetConnect.
This indicates connection to any network device (such as a switch).
ControlDesigner Software
Paradigm ControlDesigner software is used to create graphical layouts and page
navigation for Unison Paradigm Touchscreen stations. These graphical layouts and page
navigations are also known as the Touchscreen configuration file.
Among the many other tools provided in ControlDesigner software, a user is provided the
ability to add custom images to Touchscreen controls such as page backgrounds and
button states.
The Paradigm Touchscreen supports configuration files that are uploaded from the
connected Paradigm Architectural Control Processor (P-ACP) or loaded directly to the
Touchscreen using removable media, such as a USB key or Secure Digital (SD) card.
Image Resources
Multiple unique page background images can be used in a single Paradigm Touchscreen
configuration. To reduce the configuration file size and amount of data the Touchscreen
must process, all background images should be resized to the native resolution of the
Touchscreen, 800 x 480 pixels, or smaller.
Other control object states may also have unique images. Image resources should be sized
as small as possible for the application they are to be used.
N o t e :
For best results, an image that is used more than one time in a Touchscreen
configuration should be added to the theme using Paradigm ThemeDesigner
software. Adding the image to the theme reduces the configuration file size,
thereby reducing the file transfer time and storage space required on the
Touchscreen. Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.