ElmoMC SimplIQ Command Reference User Manual
Simpliq, Command reference manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Cover
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Functional Listing
- Chapter 3: Alphabetical Listing
- Limit Ranges
- AB[N] – Absolute Encoder Setting Parameters
- AC - Acceleration
- AG[N] - Analog Gains Array
- AN[N] - Analog Inputs Array
- AS[N] - Analog Input Offsets Array
- BG - Begin Motion
- BH - Get a Single Recorded Signal as Hexadecimal
- BP[N] - Brake Parameter
- BT - Begin Motion at Defined Time
- BV - Maximum Motor DC Voltage
- CA[N] - Commutation Array
- CC - Compiled Program Ready
- CD - CPU Dump
- CL[N] - Current Continuous Limitations and Motor Stuck Protection Parameters
- CP - Clear Program
- DC - Deceleration
- DD - CAN Controller Status
- DF/DS - Download Firmware
- DL - Download Program
- DV[N] - Reference Desired Value
- EC - Error Code
- EF[N] - Encoder Filter Frequency
- EM[N] - ECAM Parameters
- EO - Echo Mode
- ER[N] - Maximum Tracking Error
- ET[N] - Entries for ECAM Table
- FF[N] - Feed Forward
- FR[N] - Follower Ratio
- GS[N] - Gain Scheduling
- HL[N] - Over-speed Limit and Position Range Limit
- HM[N] - Homing, Capture and Flag
- HP - Halt Program Execution
- HX - Hexadecimal Mode
- HY[N] - Auxiliary Homing, Capture and Flag
- IB[N] - Input Bits Array
- ID, IQ - Read Active Current and Reactive Current
- IF[N] - Digital Input Filter
- IL[N] - Input Logic
- IP - Input Port
- JV- Jogging Velocity
- KG[N] - Gain Scheduled Controller Parameters
- KI[N], KP[N] - PI Parameters
- KL - Kill Motion and Program
- KV[N] - High-order Controller Filter Parameters
- LC - Current Limit Flag
- LD - Load Parameters from Flash
- LL[N] - Low Feedback Limit
- LP[N] - List Properties
- LS - List User Program
- MC - Maximum Peak Driver Current
- MF - Motor Failure
- MI - Mask Interrupt
- MO - Motor Enable/Disable
- MP[N] - Motion (PT/PVT) Parameters
- MS - Motion Status
- OB[N] - Output Bits Array
- OC[N] – Output Compare
- OL[N] - Output Logic
- OP - Output Port
- PA - Absolute Position
- PE - Position Error
- PK - Peak Memory
- PL[N] - Peak Duration and Limit
- PM - Profiler Mode
- PP[N] - Protocol Parameters
- PR - Relative Position
- PS - Program Status
- PT - Position Time Command
- PV - Position Velocity Time Command
- PW[N] - PWM Signal Parameters
- PX - Main Position
- PY - Auxiliary Position
- QP[N], QT[N], QV[N] - Position, Time, Velocity
- RC - Define Recorded Variables
- RG - Recorder Gap
- RL - Record Length
- RM - Reference Mode
- RP[N] - Recorder Parameters
- RR - Activate Recorder / Get Recorder Status
- RS - Soft Reset
- RV[N] - Recorded Variables
- SD - Stop Deceleration
- SF - Smooth Factor
- SN - Serial Number
- SP - Speed for PTP Mode
- SR - Status Register
- ST - Stop Motion
- SV - Save Parameters to Flash
- TC - Torque Command
- TI[N] – Temperature indications array1
- TM - System Time
- TP[N] - Floating Wizard Parameters
- TR - Target Radius
- TS - Sampling Time
- TW[N] - Wizard Command
- UF[N] – User Float Array
- UI[N] – User Integer
- UM - Unit Mode
- VE - Velocity Error
- VH[N], VL[N] - High and Low Reference Limit
- VR - Firmware Version
- VX, VY - Velocity of Main and Auxiliary Feedback
- WI[N] - Miscellaneous Reports, Integer
- WS[N] - Miscellaneous Reports
- XA[N] - Extra Parameters (more)
- XC, XQ - Execute or Continue Program
- XM[N] - X Modulo
- XP[N] - Extra Parameters
- YA[N] - Auxiliary Position Sensor Parameters
- YM[N] - Y Modulo
- ZP[N] - Integer Wizard Parameters
- ZX[N] - User Program and Auto-tuning Temporary Storage
- Index