Comelit RAS_SOLUTION User Manual
Page 56

10.1.2 Channel/Layout sequence view
① Select a Live view tab
② Select a channel/layout sequence item in the device tree.
③ Drag it into the view screen.
④ The remaining dwell time of view will be displayed in the title bar. And the sequence tools are enabled
in the toolbar of the view.
Table 11 Sequence Control Tools and Operations
Sequence Control
Enable/Disable sequence mode status.
Click it, disable sequence mode.
Continuous sequence timer status.
Click it; the sequence timer will pause.
Pause sequence timer status.
Click it, the sequence timer will continue.
Change to the previous sequence view point.
Change to the next sequence view point
Show the sequence view point list.
Select a view point from the list, change to the selected view point.
10.1.3 Event view
① Select a Live view tab.
② Select a screen and click the Set/Reset Event Channel. If an event is occurred and the event operation
of that is configured that the Channel View is enabled, the channel would be shown in the Event Channel.
③ The channel screen is set as the Event Channel, then the background of the screen is highlighted.
④ The Event channel is to be set only one per screen view (Live1, Live2, Emap).
* Please refer the ‘4.1 Event Setup-Device’ to setup event channel view.