2 option setup – video – Comelit RAS_SOLUTION User Manual
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2) Import
This option recalls setup information from an exported file. This operation will delete current setting and
replace with information in the file, so a warning window shows up and if you click Yes, the Import
operation continues. At Open dialog box, select appropriate file and click Open button, then Import
operation will start.
6.2 Option Setup – Video
This is to configure video displaying mode and snapshot.
Select the Video tab.
Figure 30 Option Setup - Video
6.2.1 Display
The performance of this software is very dependant on the VGA (video graphic adaptors) which are
installed. Some systems use shared memory with VGA and system. In that case, the performance MAY not
be better than the isolated memory system. And some VGA don’t support specific displaying modes. In
that case the default mode is YV12 and faster. Before changing this option, please check the VGA
specification which is installed.
6.2.1 Video snapshot
It is to configure automatic snapshot and directory to save the snapshot images.
Click the Find button and select the directory to save snapshot images. The snapshot image format is one
of BMP, JPEG and PNG. The File name is used to generate the image file name with prefix. The Sequential
numbering is the option when the file is already existed.
If it is checked the [Automatically save snapshot when you click the snapshot button] check-box, the
snapshot images would be saved automatically without asking dialog.