Step one: install ldap browser, Softerra ldap administrator, Step one: install ldap browser 24 – Google Apps Directory Sync Administration Guide User Manual

Page 24

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Release 4.0.2

5. Prepare your server environment for synchronization. Confirm that you have a notification mail

server ready. For more information, see “Step Five: Prepare Your Servers for Synchronization” on
page 39.

6. Install GADS. Once you have the needed information, download and install GADS. This step is

covered in “Installation” on page 45.

7. Configure GADS. Run Configuration Manager, part of GADS, to configure synchronization. This step

is covered in “Configuration” on page 49.

8. Simulate synchronization. Use Configuration Manager to simulate a synchronization and review the

results. This step is covered in “Sync” on page 131.

9. Revise configuration. Review the results of the simulated sync. If needed, revise your configuration

in Configuration Manager based on the simulation. This could take several revisions for complex

10. Preview synchronization. At the command line, run a synchronization in preview mode with the

configuration file you created. Check the results. This step is covered in “Command Line
Synchronization” on page 135.

11. Synchronize manually. At the command line, run a manual synchronization to update Google Apps.

The first synchronization, which imports all information, is likely to take much longer than later
synchronizations. This step is covered in “Command Line Synchronization” on page 135.

12. Schedule regular synchronization. Using your server’s scheduling tools, set up automatic

scheduled synchronization. This step is covered in “Scheduling Synchronization” on page 137.

13. Monitor syncs. Monitor the results of your ongoing synchronization to detect and address any

problems that occur. This step is discussed in “Monitoring” on page 139.

The first steps, related to preparation, are covered in this chapter below. Later steps are covered in future
chapters as noted.

Step One: Install LDAP Browser

By default, most LDAP directory servers do not include a way to view or modify your LDAP structure
directly. To collect information about your LDAP structure, download and install an LDAP browser. Two
such browsers are listed below.

Note that these are third-party browsers, and this document does not include instructions or support on the
use of an LDAP browser.

Softerra LDAP Administrator

To download Softerra LDAP Administrator, go to: