2 axle installation, Axle installation – JLG 4017RS Service Manual User Manual
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Axles, Drive Shafts, Wheels and Tires
3614RS, 4017RS
6. If axle will be disassembled after removal, place a
suitable receptacle under axle (1) and wheel hub (2)
drain plugs. Remove drain plugs and allow oil to drain
into receptacle. Transfer used oil into a suitable covered
container, and label container as “Used Oil.” Dispose of
used oil at an approved recycling facility.
7. Disconnect LSI sensor at the rear axle.
8. Label, disconnect and cap steering and brake lines at
axle. Wipe up any spilled oil.
9. 3614RS Front Axle Only - Disconnect park brake cable.
10. Block front and rear of both tires on axle that is not
being removed. Ensure that machine will remain in
place during axle removal before proceeding.
11. Raise machine using a suitable jack or hoist. Place
suitable supports under both sides of frame and lower
machine onto supports. Ensure that machine will
remain in place during axle removal.
12. Support axle that is being removed with a suitable jack,
hoist or overhead crane and sling. DO NOT raise axle or
13. Remove both the wheel and the tire assemblies
from the axle that is being removed. Refer to
Section 5.10.1, “Removing Wheel and Tire Assembly
from Machine.”
Note: The wheel and tire assemblies must be re-installed later
with the directional tread pattern “arrows” facing in the
direction of forward travel.
14. Remove the drive shaft assembly. Refer to Section 5.9.3,
15. On front axle, remove capscrew and locknuts securing
lower position cylinder-mount pin to the front cylinder.
Tap the cylinder mount pin out, and move the cylinder
to prevent it from interfering with axle removal.
16. Remove bolts and locknuts securing axle to frame.
17. Remove axles from machine using jack, hoist or
overhead crane and sling supporting axle. DO NOT raise
or otherwise disturb machine while removing axle.
Balance axle and prevent it from tipping, turning or
falling while removing it from beneath machine. Place
the axle on a suitable support or holding stand.
Axle Installation
1. If applicable, raise machine using a suitable jack or
hoist. Place suitable supports beneath the frame and
lower the machine onto the supports, allowing enough
room for axle installation.
2. Before proceeding, ensure machine will remain in place
during axle installation.
3. Block front and rear of both tires on axle that is already
installed on machine.
4. Using a suitable jack, hoist or overhead crane and sling,
remove axle from its support or holding stand. Balance
axle and prevent it from tipping, turning or falling while
positioning it beneath machine. DO NOT raise or
otherwise disturb machine while installing the axle.
5. Keep axle supported and balanced on the jack, hoist or
overhead crane and sling throughout the installation
6. Position axle under frame, and align axle housings with
holes in frame.
7. Apply Loctite
262 to each mounting bolt.
8. Install axle mounting bolts and nuts. Tighten and torque
as required.
9. Install the drive shaft assemblies. Refer to Section 5.9.5,
10. If reinstalling an axle previously removed from machine,
position driveshaft yoke on axle according to alignment
marks made earlier.
11. If installing a new axle, note position of driveshaft yoke
at transmission. Align driveshaft yoke on axle in same
plane as yoke on transmission.
12. Connect the steering and brake lines at axle.
M 7620
M 7630