5 calibration instructions, Calibration instructions -22 – JLG 1850SJ Service Manual User Manual
Page 304

– JLG Lift –
This machine incorporates a variety of sensors and a high
degree of function interaction. For safety and proper machine
functionality, the calibration procedures must be repeated for
any control module replacement, system calibration related
fault, or removal or replacement of any sensors, valves, coils,
motors, or pumps. The chart below lists the calibrations
required and potential reasons for re-calibration. All calibra-
tion procedures are menu driven through the use of the stan-
dard analyzer. With the exception of steering calibration, no
external tools are required to complete the calibration proce-
dures. The user is prompted to exercise the machine in a spe-
cific order to use the machines physical proper ties to
consistently establish sensor response and the interaction of
valves, pumps, and motors. Steering calibration also uses the
analyzer and is performed on one side of the machine at a
time requiring the use of a string or other means to determine
when the tires are in line with each other. With the exception
of the load control calibration, all calibrations are accessed by
connecting the analyzer into the control system inside the
main terminal box or on the bottom of the platform control
Table 6-5. Calibration Instructions
Reasons for Re-calibration
Steering Calibration
Ground module replacement
Chassis module replacement
Steer sensor removal or replacement
Persistent wheel misalignment
Drive Calibration
Ground module replacement
BLAM module replacement
Drive pump/coil replacement
Drive pulls to one side
Drive lugs engine
Poor slow speed control
Platform Leveling
Ground module replacement
Platform module replacement
Platform level sensor removal or replacement
Platform level sensor calibration fault
Platform Level Crack Point
Platform module replacement
Ground module replacement
Platform level valve/coil replacement
Erratic platform leveling
Lift Crack Point
Ground module replacement
Lift proportional valve/coil replacement
Erratic controlled arc operation
Erratic controlled boom angle operation
Telescope Crack Point Cali-
Ground module replacement
Telescope proportional valve replacement
Erratic controlled arc operation
Erratic controlled boom angle operation
Chassis Tilt
Ground module removal or replacement
Main terminal box removal or replacement
Tilt indication inaccuracy
Boom Sensors
Ground module removal or replacement
BLAM module removal or replacement
Boom angle sensor removal or replacement
Boom length sensor removal or replacement
Moment pin removal or replacement
Boom angle sensor calibration fault
Boom length sensor calibration fault
Moment pin fault
Failed BCS functional check
Boom control system inaccuracies
Installing or removing approved accessories
Changing Platform Size
Table 6-5. Calibration Instructions