Apple Motion 2 Getting Started User Manual

Page 119

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Chapter 3

Your No. 2 Pencil


If a behavior can be baked, the Convert to Keyframes command appears in the Object
menu when the behavior is selected. If the Convert to Keyframes command is dimmed,
the keyframes cannot be generated from the behavior.

In the following example, keyframes are created from the Fade In/Fade Out and Spin
behaviors that are applied to an object.

To convert an applied behavior to keyframes:


Select the object with the applied behaviors.


In the Behaviors tab of the Inspector, select the behavior from which you want to
create keyframes (in this example, the Fade In/Fade Out behavior is selected).


Choose Object > Convert to Keyframes.

A dialog appears and prompts, “Do you want to convert all behaviors of this object to
keyframes? This operation could take a few minutes to complete.”


Click Convert.

Since the behaviors are now converted to keyframes, the behaviors disappear from the
Behaviors tab.


In the Timing pane, display the Keyframe Editor.

In the Keyframe Editor, all animated object parameters appear (the keyframe icon
appears next to the animated parameters) in the parameter list. By default, Animated is
chosen from the Show pop-up menu. Page 119 Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:58 PM