Apple Motion 2 Getting Started User Manual

Page 115

background image

Chapter 3

Your No. 2 Pencil


A gray diamond that represents the keyframe appears to the right of the parameter
name. Whenever you are parked on a frame that contains a keyframe, the diamond
appears filled in.


Go to the frame in which you want to end the fade in.


Drag the Opacity slider to 100 (or enter 100 in the value field).

If you move to a frame that does not contain an Opacity keyframe, the diamond
appears outlined rather than solid. This indicates that the parameter is animated, but
you are not currently on a frame that contains a keyframe.


Disable the Record button (press A).

To animate opacity in the Inspector using the Animation menu:


In the transport controls, ensure that Record is disabled.


Select the object that you want to animate.


Go to the frame where you want to begin the fade in.


In the Blending section of the object’s Inspector > Properties tab, drag the Opacity
slider to 0 (or enter 0 in the value field).

The gray diamond indicates an Opacity
keyframe (with a value of 0 percent) at
the current frame. Page 115 Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:58 PM