SkyTrak 6036 Operation Manual User Manual

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10. Wheel End Oil ......................... 71
11. Drop Box ................................. 73
12. Wheels and Tires .................... 74
13. Batteries .................................. 76
14. Fuse/Circuit Breaker

Replacement ....................... ..78

15. Boom Chains & Wear Pads .... 81
16. Emergency Boom Lowering -

Cable Control Joystick .......... 86

17. Emergency Boom Lowering -

Elec. Control Joystick ............ 90


Fluid and Lubricant Capacities ..... 94
Tires .............................................. 95
Engine ........................................... 95
Weights ......................................... 96
Machine Dimensions .................... 96
Electrical System .......................... 96
Stability Tipping Limits .................. 97


The Manual ..................................... 2
Replacement Parts ......................... 2
Reports ........................................... 2
Disclaimer ....................................... 2

Safety Practices

Signal Words ................................... 3
New or Additional Operators ........... 4
Personal Considerations ................. 4
Operational Considerations ............ 7
Equipment Considerations ............ 11


Controls ......................................... 12
Instruments/Indicators .................. 17
Optional Controls .......................... 20
Walk - Around Inspection .............. 22
Normal Starting ............................. 22
Cold Starting ................................. 23
Jump Starting ................................ 25
Operating ...................................... 26

Table Of Contents

Using The Capacity Chart ............. 32
Fork Ratings .................................. 37
How To Pick, Carry

& Place a Load ............................ 38

Elevating Personnel ...................... 38
Using Other Attachments .............. 40
Shut - Off ....................................... 41
Towing and Tie Down ................... 41

General Maintenance

Routine Equipment Checklist ........ 42
Warning Decal Locations .............. 43
Maint. Schedule and Checklist ..... 44

1. Lubrication Points .................... 48
2. Air Cleaner and
Restriction Indicator.. ............ 49
3. Engine Cooling System ........... 52
4. Engine Oil and Filter ................ 54
5. Engine Fuel System ................ 56
6. Engine Fan Belt Check ........... 64
7. Hydraulic Oil and Filter ............ 65
8. Transmission Oil and Filter ..... 68
9. Axle Oil .................................... 70

2005 JLG Industries Inc.