Hale 80FC User Manual
Page 121

Pump Ends
p/n: 029-0020-61-0
G ea rb o x R ep air
Figure 6c-2: Pump Shaft Oil Seal, 50/60/80 FBG Series, with Gearbox
Lift the drive unit housing from the gearbox housing, then remove the entire
pump housing, with the pump shaft assembly.
Place and safely support the assembly on a suitable work area.
Press the pump shaft assembly (shaft, bearings and shim and gear) out the
back of the pump housing.
Remove the retaining ring from the pump shaft, then press both bearings
and shim from the shaft. Remove the pump gear and shaft key.
Remove (press–out) the oil seal and discard. Oil seals cannot be reused.
To replace, order Hale p/n: 296-2090-00-0.
Clean and inspect all parts for excessive wear, chips, scoring or other dam-
age. Repair and/or replace accordingly.