Making adjustments to your saw – SawStop 3.0HP User Manual

Page 82

background image

80 SawStop 10” Professional Cabinet Saw

gap should be

approximately 4-7 mm

make the blade fl ush

with the table

Fig. 126

Fig. 127

wood stop

Making Adjustments to Your Saw

Adjusting the Height of the Limit Rod Wood Stop

When set correctly, the wood stop at the end of the limit rod will prevent a work piece that is taller than the top
of the blade from entering the blade guard and engaging the blade. The height of the wood stop should be
adjusted whenever the clamp is adjusted.

To check the height of the limit rod wood stop, fi rst install the blade guard in the saw. Next, check to make sure
that the distance between the blade and the spreader is 4-7 mm as shown in Fig. 126 below. The spreader
should be as concentric with the blade as possible maintaining a gap of 4-7 mm. If the spreader needs
adjustment, see “Aligning the Riving Knife and Spreader to the Blade” on page 77.

Now lower the blade until the top of the blade is slightly below the top of the table insert. To set the blade fl ush
with the table, lift the blade guard shell, place the edge of a ruler across the table insert and adjust the height
of the blade until the tip of the blade contacts the bottom of the ruler.

WARNING! Always turn off the main power switch and unplug
the power cord before making any adjustments to your saw.