HID FARGO HDP8500 User Guide User Manual
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HDP8500 Industrial Card Printer/Encoder User Guide L001617 rev 1.1
In addition, cards must have a completely smooth, level surface
in order for the Printer to achieve consistent color
CoverageSome types of Proximity cards, for example, have an
uneven surface which will inhibit consistent color transfer.
Likewise, some smart card chips are raised slightly above the
cards surface, which also results in poor color transfer.
UltraCard stock
Due to the importance of using high-quality blank cards, a factory-
approved card stock c
alled UltraCard™ is available and
recommended for best results.
UltraCard stock has a glossy PVC laminate on top and bottom
and is optically inspected to provide the cleanest, most scratch
and debris-reduced cards possible.
Two types of these cards are available: UltraCard and UltraCard
Premium III.
UltraCard stock has a PVC core and offers medium card
Recommended: UltraCard Premium III stock has a 40%
polyester core and offers high durability.
Both types of UltraCards produce printed images with a glossy,
photo-quality finish.
If using a card stock other than listed, use the Custom 1options to
save custom Dwell Time and dwell temperature controls on the
Image Transfer tab.
a. Click on the Custom options and enter a name for the card
b. Click on the Image Transfer tab to adjust the Dwell Time and
temperature sliders to the appropriate settings. See the Display
A below. page. (Note: These settings will be saved for the
custom card type when the Printer Driver setup window is
c. Custom Card stock: To determine the proper settings for