Wesley BC-620-4CA User Manual
Page 105

Curtis 1234/36/38 Manual,
2 3 J U LY 2 0 0 8 D R A F T
To add automatic fault actions to the VCL faults, the VCL program-
mer must define the desired fault actions by using the sixteen VCL variables:
User_Fault_Action_01 through User_Fault_Action_16. Each of the UserFault
bits has a corresponding User_Fault_Action_xx variable (where “xx” is the
number of the VCL fault bit). When a VCL fault bit is set, the actions defined
in the corresponding User_Fault_Action_xx variable will be automatically
executed by the operating system. Here are the fault actions available in the
User_Fault_Actions_xx variables:
Bit0 = ShutdownMotor
Disable the motor
Bit1 = ShutdownMainContactor Shut down the main contactor
(only if Main Enable = On)
Bit2 = ShutdownEMBrake
Shut down the EM brake
(only if EM Brake Disable Upon
Fault = On)
Bit3 = ShutdownThrottle
Set the Throttle_Command = 0%
Bit4 = ShutdownInterlock
Set the Interlock_State = Off
Bit5 = ShutdownDriverl
Shut down Driver1
Bit6 = ShutdownDriver2
Shut down Driver2
Bit7 = ShutdownDriver3
Shut down Driver3
Bit8 = ShutdownDriver4
Shut down Driver4
Bit9 = ShutdownPD
Shut down Proportional Driver
Bit10 = FullBrake
Set the Brake_Command = 100%
Bit11 = ShutdownPump
Shut down DC pump
Bit12 = TrimDisable
Disable Dual Drive trim
Bit13 = SevereDual
For Dual Drive system, one con-
troller has a severe fault but
the main contactor must stay
closed so the other controller
can continue to operate.
Bit14 = ShutdownSteer
Steer angle = 0°
Bit15 = LOSDual
For Dual Drive system, set the
max speed to Dual_LOS_Max_Speed
parameter for operation in
Limited Operating Strategy.
The User_Fault_Action_xx variables should be set up at the beginning of a
VCL program (before the main loop) as these fault actions should be defined
only once in a program. Here is another example:
User_Fault_Action_02 = 24 ;Set fault action to ShutdownInterlock
;and ShutdownThrottle
if (BDI_Percentage < 10)
UserFault1.2 = ON
;Set User Fault bit
Put_Spy_Text(“BDI Low”) ;Send message to Model 840 display
UserFault1.2 = OFF
;Clear User Fault bit
goto MainLoop
This time when UserFault1.2 is set, the operating system will ShutdownInterlock
and ShutdownThrottle (which will result in a Throttle_Command = 0%) in
7 — VCL