Campbell Scientific CR7 Measurement and Control System User Manual
Page 161

measurement specified by a subsequent
instruction. The time involved in processing
the measurement data to obtain the values
stored in Input, Intermediate, and Final
Storage makes the throughput rate slower
than the measurement sample rate.
SIGNATURE: A number which is a function of
the data and the sequence of data in
memory. It is derived using an algorithm
which assures a 99.998% probability that if
either the data or its sequence changes, the
signature changes.
THROUGHPUT: CR7 throughput rate is the
rate at which a measurement can be made,
scaled to engineering units and the reading
stored in Final Storage. The CR7 I/O
Module has the ability to scan sensors at a
rate exceeding the throughput rate (see
SAMPLE RATE). The primary factor
affecting throughput rate is the amount of
processing specified by the user. In normal
operation, all processing called for by an
instruction must be completed before
moving on to the next instruction. With the
700X Control Module (6303 CPU board),
the maximum throughput rate for fast,
single-ended measurements is
approximately 310 measurements per
second (1 second execution: Instruction 1
entered 4 times, 3 times with 99 repetitions,
once with 11 repetitions).