Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 64

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Appendix A. CPEC200 Diagnostics

respond by increasing

pump_control. This should increase the speed of the

pump and allow

pump_flow to rise to the setpoint. Conversely, if the flow is

above the setpoint the CPEC200 will adjust

pump_control downward until the

flow matches the setpoint.


pump_control = 0, this indicates the CPEC200 has turned the pump off.

There are several reasons the CPEC200 may shut the pump off:

Low supply voltage (see notes on bit 9)

IRGA has been powered down (see notes on bit 8)

Pump temperature out of range (see notes on bit 5)

Pump has been turned off by the user. If public variable

pump_ON =

False, then set pump_ON = True to turn the pump on

If the pump flow is too low and

pump_control is greater than 0, then verify

the pump is running. If the CPEC200 is physically accessible, listen for the

sound of the pump to confirm it is running. Note that the pump is very quiet,

especially at lower pumping speeds, and may be hard to hear in noisy

environments. If the CPEC200 is remotely located, confirm that the pump is

running by turning the pump on and off and checking the value of

pump_press. If the pump is running, it will pull this pressure down below

ambient pressure. The pressure drop will vary depending on conditions, but 3

kPa is typical for a clean intake filter at the default flow of 7 LPM. If the

pressure drop is significantly smaller than is typical, make sure the pump tube

is connected between the EC155 and the pump module.

If the pressure does not vary when the pump is turned on and off, it is likely the

pump is not running. If the pressure changes, but the value of


does not, it is likely that the pump is actually running but there may be a

problem with the pump speed measurement. Contact Campbell Scientific in

either case.

If the pump is running, but the value of

pump_control does not change as

expected to control the flow, make sure that datalogger processing is not

lagging (see notes on bit 4).

Bit 5: Pump Temperature

If the remainder of

diag_cpec (after subtracting the numeric value for higher

bits that are set) is greater than 15, this means that bit 5 of

diag_cpec is set. To

decode other diagnostic bits, subtract 16 from

diag_cpec and compare the

remainder to the bit values below.

Bit 5 of

diag_cpec indicates the pump temperature is outside its operating

range. This triggers the CPEC200 to shut down the pump to protect the pump

from possible damage. This check is performed even if the pump is turned off.

To confirm the problem, verify that public variable

pump_tmpr_OK = False.

This variable is set to

True if the valve temperature is within its operating

range (0°C to 55°C) and is set to

False if it is outside this range.

The variable

pump_tmpr_OK is not available for diagnosing a problem using

data saved in the output tables (

Flux or Zero_Span). Instead, check the value


PumpTmprOK_Avg. This is a floating point number that represents the

fraction of time (from 0 to 1) that

pump_tmpr_OK is true during the

averaging period. A value of 1 indicates no pump temperature problem at any
