5 barometer, 6 carrying cases, 7 enclosure mounting options – Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 17: Barometer, Carrying cases, Enclosure mounting options, 9. csat3a sonic anemometer head

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System

FIGURE 4-9. CSAT3A sonic anemometer head Barometer

The EC100 is always configured with an EC100 basic barometer. However, an

EC100 enhanced barometer is available as an option. The decision to upgrade

to the enhanced barometer is largely dependent on the specific site and

environmental constraints for a given site. In general, the enhanced barometer

provides overall greater accuracy, but may not be a necessary upgrade for

many applications.

Unlike open-path systems, the accuracy of the CPEC200 system is influenced

by the sample cell pressure. The EC155 sample cell pressure is measured by a

differential pressure sensor that measures the sample cell pressure relative to

barometric pressure (as measured by the EC100 barometer). The accuracy of

the sample cell pressure measurement is the sum of the accuracy of the

barometer in the EC100 and the differential pressure sensor in the EC155.

The measurement rate is likewise affected by both the sample cell pressure and

the specific barometric pressure of the barometer – either basic or enhanced.

The differential pressure sensor is always measured at 10 Hz, while the basic

barometer is measured at 10 Hz and the enhanced barometer is measured at 1


For greater detail, see Section 4.3, Specifications, of this manual or consult a

Campbell Scientific applications engineer for specific sites and applications. Carrying Cases

The EC155 and the CSAT3A may be ordered with optional carrying cases. If

the carrying cases are not ordered, the sensors are shipped in cardboard boxes. Enclosure Mounting Options

The CPEC200 system enclosure and the CPEC200 pump module can be

configured with one of several mounting options. The CPEC system enclosure

is similar to the Campbell Scientific ENC16/18 enclosure, and the CPEC200