2 theory of operation, 1 ec155 gas analyzer, Theory of operation – Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 23: Ec155 gas analyzer, 16. ec155 gas analyzer

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System

4.2 Theory of Operation

The CPEC200 is used for long-term monitoring of atmosphere–biosphere

exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and momentum. This

complete, turn-key system includes a closed-path gas analyzer (EC155), a

sonic anemometer head (CSAT3A), datalogger (CR3000), sample pump, and

an optional valve module for automated zero and span.

4.2.1 EC155 Gas Analyzer

The EC155 (FIGURE 4-16) is Campbell Scientific’s closed-path, mid-infrared

absorption gas analyzer that measures molar mixing ratios of carbon dioxide

and water vapor. More information about the operation of the EC155 can be

found in the manual, EC155 CO


and H


O Closed-path Gas Analyzer at


FIGURE 4-16. EC155 gas analyzer