Initial inspection, Overview, 1 system components – Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 12: 1 standard components, 1 ec155 gas analyzer, System components, Standard components, Ec155 gas analyzer, 1. ec155 closed-path co2/h2o gas analyzer

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System

o Do not overtighten the tube fittings. Consult Appendix E, Using



Fittings, for information on proper connection.

o The CPEC200 power source should be designed thoughtfully to

ensure uninterrupted power. If needed, contact a Campbell

Scientific applications engineer for assistance.

o Retain all spare caps and plugs as these are required when

shipping or storing the CPEC200 system.

3. Initial Inspection

Upon receipt of the CPEC200, inspect the packaging and contents for damage.

File damage claims with the shipping company.

Model numbers are found on each product. On cables, the model number is

usually found at the connection end of the cable. Check this information

against the enclosed shipping documents to verify the expected products and

the correct lengths of cable are included.

4. Overview

The CPEC200 is a closed-path EC flux system used for long-term monitoring

of atmosphere–biosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and


4.1 System Components

The CPEC200 consists of several components, some of which are optional.

Some additional accessories are required to complete a fully functioning

CPEC200 system and are described and illustrated in the sections that follow.

4.1.1 Standard Components

Standard with the CPEC200 are the CPEC200 system enclosure, EC155 gas

analyzer, EC100 electronics, and CPEC200 pump module. EC155 Gas Analyzer

The EC155 is a closed-path, infrared CO




O gas analyzer. It shares

integrated electronics (EC100 electronics) with the CSAT3A sonic

anemometer head. For detailed information and specifications, see the EC155

manual at

. The EC155, as shown in FIGURE 4-1, is an

included part of the CPEC200 system.

FIGURE 4-1. EC155 closed-path CO2/H2O gas analyzer