Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 56

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Appendix A. CPEC200 Diagnostics

This usually means the CSAT3A sensor head is not connected to the


ERROR: Sonic problem - Check diag_sonic is displayed when a bit is

set in

diag_sonic. This usually means the sonic path is blocked. If

there is no obvious reason for the problem, such as water on the face

of a transducer, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.


Public variable

pump_status gives the status of the pump and is based on the

state of several variables.

Pump is OK is displayed if the pump flow is within 10% of the

setpoint (

pump_flow_OK = True).

Pump is OFF - Set pump_ON = True to restart it is displayed if the

pump is turned off (

pump_ON = False). This is not necessarily an

error condition. It normally arises when the user intentionally turns

the pump off to perform a manual zero/span, for example. For this

reason, this condition does not set a bit in


ERROR: Pump is disabled - Check BattVolt is displayed if the battery

voltage has dropped below the minimum and the CPEC200 has

disabled the pump. This correlates with

BattVolt_OK = False. See

notes for bit 9.

ERROR: Pump is disabled - Check pump_tmpr is displayed if the

pump temperature is outside its operating range. This correlates with

pump_tmpr_OK = False. See notes for bit 5.

ERROR: Pump is disabled - IRGA is OFF is displayed if the

CPEC200 has stopped the pump because the IRGA is off. This

correlates with

irga_OFF = True and could be a result of the EC155

automatically powering down because its source temperature is

outside its operating range. See the EC155 manual for details.

ERROR: Pump flow is NAN is displayed if

pump_flow = NAN. This

indicates a problem with the pump speed measurement. See notes on

bit 6.

ERROR: Pump flow is not at setpoint - Check buff_depth is displayed

if the pump flow is not within 10% of the setpoint (

pump_flow_OK =

False) and the processing has fallen too far behind (buff_depth_OK

= False). A processing delay does not always cause a pump flow

error. In many cases, the processing will catch up before the pump

flow drifts too far from the setpoint. For additional information see

notes on bit 4.

ERROR: Pump flow is not at setpoint is displayed if the pump flow is

too far from the setpoint and the problem cannot be explained by one

of the conditions listed above. For additional troubleshooting advice,

see notes on bit 6.


Public variable

valve_status gives the status of the optional valve module

(either the three- or six-valve module) and is based on the state of several


If the program is not configured to use the optional valve module (constant

VALVE_MODULE = False), then valve_status will always display Program

not configured for valve operation - Set VALVE_MODULE = True and

recompile. See Section 5.4.2, Compile Switches, for details on configuring the

CPEC200 program for valve module operation.
