Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 39

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System


This variable, along with

BATT_LOWLIMIT, determines when the

CPEC200 will restart after an automatic power shutdown. The CPEC200 will

not restart until the supply voltage

BattVolt reaches at least

BATT_LOWLIMIT + BATT_DEADBAND. The purpose of the deadband

function (the gap between the shutdown voltage and the turn-on voltage) is to

protect the CPEC200 from repeated power cycles when the battery voltage is

very near the limit.

BATT_DEADBAND must be between 0 and 10.0 V. The

default is 1.0 V.


The variable

SONIC_AZIMUTH specifies the angle in degrees between true

north and the direction that the sonic anemometer is pointing. For example, if

the sonic anemometer is pointing due east, set


the sonic anemometer is pointing southwest, enter 225°, and so on.

SONIC_AZIMUTH is used to calculate wnd_dir_compass.


The CPEC200 program configures the EC155 bandwidth according to system

configuration variable

BANDWIDTH. This variable may be set to any of the

valid settings: 5, 10, 12 (12.5 Hz), 20, or 25. The CPEC200 program will save

the updated setting in the configuration file, configure the EC100 electronics

and update the lag time.

The IRGA data will be invalid for up to one second after changing

the bandwidth as the EC100’s digital filter is reinitialized for the

new bandwidth setting.

The default setting is 20 (20 Hz bandwidth), which preserves all of the high-

frequency fluctuations in the CO


and H


O measurements. If the raw time

series are processed to give spectra, the user generally should set

BANDWIDTH to 5 (5 Hz). This will filter the IRGA data to avoid aliased


For more information, see the EC155 CO


and H


O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer

Manual available at



This is a backup for when the differential pressure sensor is not used. If

USE_DIFF_PRESS = False, then the value entered here is used for the

ambient pressure in flux calculations. Otherwise the EC100 barometer (basic

or enhanced) is used, and this variable is ignored. See Section,

Barometer, for more discussion on the interaction between the EC100

barometer and the differential pressure sensor.

The EC100 always includes the EC100 basic barometer, but it

may be ordered with the optional EC100 enhanced barometer. The

EC100 is configured at the factory to use the enhanced barometer,

if ordered. Normally, the user will not have to change this setting.

If there is a need to check or change this setting, see the EC155

user manual.