Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 54

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Appendix A. CPEC200 Diagnostics

If the CPEC200 program is configured for valve operation there are more


Normal EC mode: Pump is on

Manual Zero/Span mode: Pump is off

Starting Zero/Span sequence: This message persists normally for only

one scan indicating the zero/span sequence has been triggered, either

automatically or manually, but has not yet begun.

If the zero/span sequence is active,

mode_status describes the current

step in the sequence as shown in TABLE 6-1, found in Section 6.2,

Automatic Zero and Span.


Public variable

cpec_status gives an overall status for the entire system. If

there are no problems detected,

cpec_status will report CPEC is OK. This is

equivalent to diagnostic word

diag_cpec = 0. In most cases where a problem

is detected,

cpec_status refers the user to a lower-level (subsystem) status

variable such as

irga_status, sonic_status, pump_status, or valve_status

which are described in the sections below.

CPEC is OK means there are no relevant errors detected. This is

equivalent to

diag_cpec = 0 (no bits set)

ERROR: Battery voltage is in deadband or ERROR: Battery voltage is

too low means there is a problem with the supply voltage. This is

equivalent to

BattVolt_OK = False and diag_cpec bit 9. See the

notes for bit 9.

ERROR: IRGA problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 8. See notes



ERROR: Sonic problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 7. See notes on


ERROR: Pump flow problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 6. See

notes on


ERROR: Pump temperature problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 5.

See notes on


WARNING: Buffer depth too large is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 4.

See the notes on bit 4,


ERROR: Valve flow problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 3. See

notes on


ERROR: Valve temperature problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 2.

See notes on


ERROR: Scrub module temperature problem is equivalent to

diag_cpec bit 1. See notes on valve_status.


Public variable

irga_status gives the status of the EC155 and is based on the

diagnostic word from the EC155 (

diag_irga) as well as the CO


and H



signal levels, which do not trigger a diagnostic bit in the EC155.

IRGA is OK is displayed if bit one of

diag_irga is zero and the CO


and H


O signals are both greater than 0.8. This means the EC155 has

detected no problems and the EC155 windows are clean.

ERROR: No data from IRGA - Check EC100 power and

communication is displayed if

diag_irga = NAN. This indicates the

EC100 does not respond to the datalogger’s request for data, usually
