5 returning to normal ec mode, Maintenance and troubleshooting, Returning to normal ec mode – Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 49

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System

The keyboard display has menus to facilitate manual zero control for users that

are onsite. Navigate:

Manual zero/span → Manual Control → H2O Span


valve_number = H2Ospan. If onsite, look at the LEDs on the valve

module to confirm the selected valve is now active. Verify


reports Valve flow is OK. If not, check the value of

valve_flow and

troubleshoot as needed.

When the

H2Ospan valve is selected, the CPEC200 does not

control the flow. It opens the control valve completely to minimize

pressure drop. The dewpoint generator determines the flow that it

pushes to the EC155. The variable

valve_flow_OK = True for

any flow between 0.2 and 2.0.

Make sure the value in

H2OSpanDewPt matches the setting of the dewpoint



cpec_status reports CPEC is OK. If not, troubleshoot as needed.

There is no automatic error checking in manual zero/span mode,

so diagnostics must be checked manually.

Watch the values of

H2O, Td_cell, and Td_ambient. All of these report the

measured humidity.

H2O is the raw H


O concentration, in mmol mol



Td_cell is the dewpoint temperature calculated by the CPEC200 system for the

air in the sample cell (at the sample cell pressure).

Td_ambient is similar to

Td_cell, but it is calculated for ambient pressure. Td ambient and Td_cell

should be very similar. If not, make sure the sample cell pressure is close to

ambient pressure (

diff_press is close to zero).


Td_cell stabilizes, set DO_H2O_span = True. The IRGA will set the



O span to make the measured dewpoint

Td_cell match H2OSpanDewPt.

Verify that these two values now match.


valve_number = None (0) to stop the flow of H


O span gas. Returning to Normal EC Mode

When checking and setting are completed, turn the pump on by setting

pump_ON = True. This will make sure the valves are turned off and restart

the pump.

Disable temperature control of the valve module to conserve power (this is not

done automatically in full manual control).

7. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Most of the basic diagnostic and troubleshooting issues for the CPEC200 are

covered in Appendix A, CPEC200 Diagnostics. The section that follows

provides additional detail on some issues that may arise with hardware
