Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

Page 57

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Appendix A. CPEC200 Diagnostics

If the program is configured to use the valve module (constant

VALVE_MODULE = True), but the valves are not being used


valve_number = 0), there are several possible values for valve_status that

relate to the temperature of the valve module.

valve_status also depends on

the temperature of the optional scrub module if it is installed. See notes on bits

2 and 1 for more information on valve module and scrub module temperature


Valves are in standby mode (temperature control is disabled) is

displayed if valve module temperature control is disabled


valveTctl_ON = False). This is the normal state for the valve

module when it is not in use.

The rest of the possible values for

valve_status given below, apply only when

valve module temperature control is enabled.

Valves are ready is displayed if the valve module temperature is

within its operating range and the scrub module (if installed)

temperature is also within its operating range.

Valves are too cold is displayed if the valves are below the minimum

operating temperature. See notes on bit 2.

Valves are too warm is displayed if the valves are above the

maximum operating temperature. See notes on bit 2.

Valve temperature problem is displayed if the valve temperature is not

defined (NAN). See notes on bit 2.

Scrub module is too cold is displayed if the valve module is within its

operating range, but the scrub module is too cold. See notes on bit 1.

Scrub module is too warm is displayed if the valve module is within

its operating range, but the scrub module is too warm. See notes on

bit 1.

Scrub module temperature problem is displayed if the scrub module

temperature is not defined (NAN). See notes on bit 1.

If a valve has been selected (

valve_number > 0), there are several possible

values for


Valve flow is OK is displayed if the valve flow is within an acceptable

range (

valve_flow_OK = True).

ERROR: Valves are disabled - Check BattVolt is displayed if the

battery voltage has dropped below the minimum and the CPEC200

has disabled the valves. This correlates with

BattVolt_OK = False.

See notes for bit 9.

ERROR: Valves are disabled - IRGA is OFF is displayed if the

CPEC200 has disabled the valves because the IRGA is off. This

correlates with

irga_OFF = True and could be a result of the EC155

automatically powering down because its source temperature is

outside operating range. See the EC155 CO


and H


O Closed-Path

Gas Analyzer Manual for details.

ERROR: press_offset is zero - turn pump off and set DO_P_offset =

true is displayed if

press_offset = 0. The CPEC200 requires a recent

measurement of the pressure offset which is given as the sample cell

pressure measured with no flow. The pressure offset is set to zero

when it is no longer valid. A new measurement of the pressure offset

can be achieved by turning, the pump off and setting

DO_P_offset =

True. See Section 4.2.3, Valve Module, for more details on how the
