2 automatic zero and span, Automatic zero and span – Campbell Scientific CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System User Manual

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CPEC200 Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System

In addition to identifying the most appropriate use of manual versus automatic

and remote versus onsite calibration, there is one additional option to consider:

whether to simply check the zero/span, or to set the zero/span.

Checking the zero/span allows the user to track the performance of the EC155,

apply gain and offset corrections in post processing, and decide when to

actually set the zero/span. Setting the zero/span involves sending commands to

the EC155 to update its internal zero/span parameters.

Campbell recommends setting the zero/span in the EC155 as this

will maintain better accuracy than applying corrections in post

processing. See the EC155 CO


and H


O Closed-Path Gas

Analyzer Manual for details.

The recommended approach for zero/span involves both monitoring and setting

the zero/span according to the following steps:

1. Measure the H


O span with a dewpoint generator.

2. Measure the CO



3. Measure the CO


and H


O zero.

4. Set the CO


and H


O zero in the EC155.

5. Measure the CO


span again (after zero has been set).

6. Set the CO


span in the EC155.

7. Measure the H


O span again (after zero has been set).

8. Set the H


O span in the EC155.

Steps 1, 7, and 8 require the use of the dewpoint generator and

must be omitted for remote operations, including the automated


6.2 Automatic Zero and Span

The automatic zero/span sequence consists of eleven steps, listed in TABLE

6-1. If

CHECK_ZERO = True, the CPEC200 will periodically cycle through

the sequence as listed. If

CHECK_ZERO = False, the CPEC200 will

continue to sample atmospheric air for eddy covariance measurements (no

automatic zero/span).

mode_status is the text variable that reports the status of the sequence. Pump

on/off is reported in public variable

pump_ON. Public variable

valve_number shows which valve is active. The status of valve_number is

displayed to the user in two manners; in the public and output tables as the

actual numeric value of an integer from 0 to 6, or as text on the datalogger

keypad. TABLE 6-1 gives both the datalogger keypad text and the

corresponding numeric value in the public and output tables. The duration of

each step is also given in TABLE 6-1. Some of the steps have a duration that

cannot be changed, while others are set by the configuration variables


Step 2 and steps 4 through 9 are optional, as determined by the

configuration variables. If a step is disabled, it is skipped.