Operation manual flytec 6040 gps – Flytec 6040 * User Manual

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Operation Manual FLYTEC 6040 GPS


Arc segments or Radii

Radii are indicated in the following format:
Long, Lat centre; Long, Lat start point of Radius; Long, Lat end point of Radius;
rotational direction (+clockwise, - counter-clockwise).


Circles are indicated in the following format:
Long, Lat centre; Radius in km.

We recommend the following procedure:

• Select with the button „Download“ ( "Laden") a FLYTEC Air Space file (*.fas, *.fa5 or *txt). You

will now receive a long list and a complex graph.

• Click into the list, all Air Spaces appear in blue. Now select with Ctrl + left side mouse

button the single Air Spaces, for zones use Shift + left side mouse button. Select the
Air Spaces being important for you. They shall be displayed on the right side of the screen.
Please consider that in Map mode of the instrument it takes the more time for the screen
layout, the more Air Spaces are in the active zone.

• Now alter for the individual Air Spaces the name and description in abbreviations which

are comprehensible to you.

• Simplify complex Air Spaces of which only some parts are interesting to you by deleting

key points.

• Combine Air Spaces which are nested into each other and for which you are not

permitted to penetrate.

• Now you can store this file for later use with “save” ("save").

• With „send“ ("Senden ") the selected Air Spaces are transmitted to the instrument.

If acoustic is energised, a high pitch beep is audible for each Air Space which was
transmitted successfully. In case of unsuccessful transmittance the tone is somewhat
deeper, e.g. in case of double names. With “received” ("received") one can check
which Air Spaces are currently stored in the instrument.

Tip: create at first a user Air Space file containing the Air Spaces in your flight area.
This file may contain numerous Air Spaces. Open this file prior to the flight and download
only the Air Spaces to your instrument which you are likely to approach during this day.