Flytec 3005 User Manual
Operating instructions flytec 3005 si

Operating instructions FLYTEC 3005 SI
Seite 1 von 2
1. On / Off switch
2. Analog vario display
3. Digital vario speed display
4. Altitude 1: Absolute altitude
5. Altitude 2: Relative altitude
6. key UP
7. key DOWN / zeroing altitude 2
8. Descent tone / descent alarm key
9. Sound volume key
10. Peak value memory key
11. Changeover key Altitude 1 - Altitude 2
12. Vane wheel sensor socket
13. Display switch speed / vario
Starting: On / Off (1).
Battery control: Power voltage is indicated, on the analog vario display (2 ) for approximately 10 seconds and «Po» for power on the digital vario
display. When all the segments in the ascent sector (green) light up, this indicates that the batteries have an energy reserve of 100%.
Inadequate power reserve is indicated continuotisly, when switched on and during operation by the lighting up of one or several segments in the
descent sector (red) and «Po». lf this occurs, the unit does not shift into operating mode.
Setting mode: 1. Changeover into adjustment mode is effected by pressing a key (8, 9 or 11) for several (approx. 4) seconds. The corresponding
display will then fl ash intermittently and can be reset.
2. Use the reset key -Up- (6) or Down- (7) to set the required value. When entering altitude fi gures, the number display can be speeded up by
continuous pressing.
3. Finish by pressing the corresponding original key. When setting the altitude there is automatic acknowledgement after approx. 10 sec.
Altimeter: Altitude 1: Absolute altitude. Can be set within weather-de pendent tolerances.
Altitude 2: Relative altitude. Can be set whenever required over the whole measurement range and zeroed at any time by pressing the key «CLEAR
ALTI 2» (7). It Can also be cleared while ALTI 1 is shown on the display. Operating the changeover key ALTI 1 - ALTI 2 (11) indicates the desired altitude
and marks it with an arrow.
Pressing the changeover kev (11) for several (approx. 4) seconds will cause the unit to change to the adjustment mode of the altitude currently
displayed (sec Setting mode).
Altitude gain / loss: Altimeter 2 (ALTI 2) can be used to indicate a gain or loss in altitude, as it can be zeroed at any time using the key «CLEAR ALTI
2» (7) even while ALTI 1 is displayed.
Analog vario: Fully automatic segment display over the entire range. Individual segments remain displayed, until the end of the fi rst scale sector is
reached. They are then deleted from zero in the second scale sector pass again until the end of the second scale sector is reached.
Digital vario: Display over the entire range.
Digital vario attenuation: Changeover into the vario attenuation setting mode is effected by pressing the volume key (9) for several (approx. 3)
seconds (c.f. Setting mode). Four selectable, average value computations are possible for the digital vario display:
d0 = average value for the last second (4 measurements per second)
d1 = average value for the last 3 seconds
d2 = average value for the last 10 scconds
d3 = average value for the last 30 seconds
The analog vario display is not attenuated.
Vario sound: Sound can either be switched off entirely or 2 volume levels can be set by repeatedly pressing the volume key (9). The volume level
currentIy set will sound when the key is pressed.
When the unit is switched on, the volume is automatically set at level 1.
Ascent tone: A sound interval with a rising tone frequency dependent on ascent frequency and a timbre dependent on scale (ASI: Acoustic Scale
Indication). The response Point is set to optimum response time (factory setting) and can be altered by means of a regulator inside the unit (please