2 map of flight obstacles - edit with flychart, 1 air space in openair format *.txt or *.fas, 2 calling the function air space in flychart – Flytec 6040 * User Manual

Page 38: Map of flight obstacles - edit with flychart, Air space in openair format *.txt or *.fas, Calling the function air space in flychart, Operation manual flytec 6040 gps

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Operation Manual FLYTEC 6040 GPS


4.2 Map of flight obstacles - Edit with Flychart

The Air Space map can be entered into the instrument comfortably on the PC by use of the freebie
software program Flychart via PC-interface.

4.2.1 Air Space in OpenAir Format *.txt or *.fas

Flychart is appropriate to download Air Spaces in the so called OpenAir Format. On the Internet the Air
Spaces are normally made available as *.txt file, e.g. on

For Switzerland Air Spaces can be downloaded under

directly in Flychart Format

*.fas. For Germany and Austria the website

-> GPS Lufträume

is recommended.
create within the Flychart folder a new folder with the name Air Maps or Airspaces in order to
facilitate recovery and management of the Air Space files which had been downloaded.

Flytec/Bräuniger Air Spaces ending with *.txt or*.fas can be edited with any text editor, or very comfortably
with the Flychart Air Space editor. Start point and end point do not need to be identical. Start point and
end point do not need to be identical.
Example for such a Restricted Area:

SB 0,255,0,120
AN OVV: 120.1
AH 11000 MSL
DP 47:25:00 N 011:44:20 E
DP 47:18:20 N 011:48:10 E
DP 47:07:55 N 011:10:05 E
DP 47:10:40 N 011:00:45 E
DP 47:19:30 N 011:04:30 E
DP 47:16:55 N 011:13:30 E

4.2.2 Calling the function Air Space in Flychart

Click on the Icon „configure flight instrument“.
In instrument flight options select Air Space. An empty Air Space window shall appear
