3 waypoints and coordinates, 1 alter, delete or insert waypoints, Waypoints and coordinates – Flytec 6040 * User Manual

Page 30: Alter, delete or insert waypoints, 28 no, Operation manual flytec 6040 gps

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Operation Manual FLYTEC 6040 GPS


3.3 Waypoints and Coordinates

A waypoint is any single point on the earth’s surface that you would like to go to.
The FLYTEC 6030 GPS can save up to 200 different waypoints. Each waypoint can have up to 17
characters, e.g.

“Fiesch Airfield”.

In determining the waypoint, it is also necessary to enter the altitude,



meters (always above sea level). We now only need the position of Waypoint on the earth’s

surface. For this purpose the COMPEO+ utilizes the geographical map system named WGS84 (World
Geodetic System 1984). This reference system assumes that latitude is measured from the equator (0
degrees) to the North Pole, 90 ° N, and to the South Pole - 90 ° S. Longitude is measured from the
Greenwich zero meridian (near London), East is counted positive and West is negative up to +/-180°.

However, the FLYTEC 6030 GPS also converts Waypoints entered according to the previous norm,
introduced by Bräuniger: 3 letters and 3 numbers. Example: FIE112 indicates a Waypoint with the
name FIExxx and an altitude of 1120 meters above sea level

In Basic Settings / Coordinate Format the data entry format is selectable between:


Degrees Minutes Decimal places of Minutes (dd°mm.mmm)

(Factory setting)

2) Degrees


Seconds (dd°mm’ss“)


Degrees Decimal places of Degrees (dd.ddddd)


UTM (a grid system with a 1 km raster in both N-S and also in E-W direction)

5) Swiss


Basically one should always try to use possibility no. 1 (=factory setting), because only this format is
using exactly the same calculation format as the GPS receivers do. With all the other formats rounding
errors could sum up to 20 m.
It is exclusively calculated with the WGS84 system. Different geodetic systems are no longer

3.3.1 Alter, delete or insert waypoints

In this position of Set-Menu the waypoints may be managed. After briefly pressing the OK key
the display will show the list of saved WP. In case this list contains more than the visible 8 WP,
then a down arrow Ð at the right lower edge of the list warns that more pages are to follow.
To scroll down to the next page, press the ► key, now WP 9 … 16 are displayed etc.
Tip: Waypoints may also be set comfortably on the PC by use of the
„Flychart 4.52“ PC-Software and be transferred via the PC-interface
to the instrument.

Using the keys ▲ and ▼ it is possible to select an individual WP and
to alter it after pressing the OK key.
The 1st letter of the WP-name will blink, again with the ▲and ▼
keys the required letter is selected; there are numbers, letters,
as well as a set of special characters to choose from. By pressing
the ► key, you move forward to the next letter etc.
With the F1 key you may shift between capitals and small letters.
With the F2 key one single character is deleted (Rub out).
You can enter a maximum of 17 characters. Once the name has
been entered completely, confirm by pressing the OK key. Now
the WP altitude will blink and require any alteration. With the
keys ▲▼ the altitude value is entered and confirmed by pressing
the OK key. Now the position of WP is next. At first the latitude is
entered in degrees and confirmed with OK, afterwards the minutes
and then the decimals of the minutes. The same procedure is applied for the longitude.
Continuous keystroke changes the values to be set faster.



Fantasy of Flight
Used Waypoint 7/200
Alti 245 ft
Lati N 47’ 55.116
Longi E 008’ 16.813

