2 display of actual coordinates, 3 memorising the actual position, Display of actual coordinates – Flytec 6040 * User Manual
Page 31: Memorising the actual position

Operation Manual FLYTEC 6040 GPS
Delete Waypoints
The selection of WP’s to be deleted is effected with the ▲ and ▼ keys.
Pressing the F2 key (Del WP) enables the delete function, for data safety the COMPEO+
is asking again: “Delete Waypoint?”. The reply “Yes” or “No” is at choice, but it is also possible
to discontinue the deleting procedure by use of the ESC key and return to one level before.
Insert Waypoints
Pressing the F1 key (Ins WP) enables this function. Entering Waypoint names, altitude and
position is operated following the same scheme as described above. After confirming all
entries with the OK key, the new WP is inserted to the list in alphabetical order.
In total 200 WP may be saved in the FLYTEC 6040 GPS.
after entering new Waypoints, (for ex. for a new Route entry) these can be used only if
in between you have switched back to the normal flight mode with ESC.
In addition, the Route into which the new Waypoint was inserted must not be active.
Therefore, first change into route selection by prolonged pressing of the Route key and
with the help of the F2 key (Cancel Route) deactivate the Route.
The more Waypoints are saved in the memory, the more slowly the navigation becomes in
Main Setup Menu,
as the list is rearranged again in the background over and over.
3.3.2 Display of actual coordinates
If the FLYTEC 6040 receives satellites by GPS-Receiver, the actual position is displayed by
briefly pressing the
key in the instrument’s information field. After 20 sec. the previous display
screen will automatically reappear. This function is useful in relaying your location to some person
after landing, who will retrieve you from there. Also when entering a Waypoint
with WP
F1AddWp the coordinates are displayed.
3.3.3 Memorising the actual position
It may happen from time to time that the current position
should be saved as a Waypoint. For this purpose the WP
key should be pressed during 3 seconds and subsequently
In response a beep will chime and the momentary
coordinates shall be saved in the memory as a Waypoint.
As the Waypoint name the FLYTEC 6030 GPS uses the
M (for marker) and afterwards the actual date and the time
of day in UTC.
Example: M.22.04. 11:16:49 stands for 22nd April at 11
hrs. 16 min. 49 seconds (UTC). Naturally this WP name
may be altered later into a more meaningful name, for ex.
“Fiesch Airfield".
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