2 altimeter alt1 (absolute altitude), 1 setting altimeter a1, 2 user fields related to alt1 – Flytec 6040 * User Manual

Page 20: Altimeter alt1 (absolute altitude), Setting altimeter a1, User fields related to alt1

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Operation Manual FLYTEC 6040 GPS


2.1.2 Altimeter Alt1 (absolute Altitude)

Altimeter Alt1 is always the absolute altitude above sea level. The Alt1 display is permanently
shown on the Main page as well as on the Map page.

The Alt1 display is also shown in both user defined readout screens Altitude1m and Altitude1ft.
Due to this feature it is possible to readout the absolute altitude besides the main display in unit meter
but also in unit feet. This fact is important for communication with air traffic controllers during flights in
Restricted Areas ! Setting altimeter A1

The altimeter function A1 is called-up
by long pressure on the ALT1 key.
The possible settings are shown in the
Information line and in both function
key fields.

Manual setting
By brief pressure on one arrow key the
readout value can be adjusted meter by
meter. Under keystroke the display shall be
changed automatically until the key
is released.
Due to this adjustment the QNH display (userfield) is also altered.

Adopt GPS altitude
By brief pressure on the F2 (Alt1 GPS) key it is possible to adopt the GPS altitude.
Please consider that the GPS-receiver only provides the reliable altitude value after
approx. 2 minutes! In case of poor Satellite constellation or bad reception, altitude
deviation of up to 100 m will occur!

Set altitude to pressure standard 1013hPa
By brief pressure on the F1 key the altitude is set to 1013hPa.

. User fields related to Alt1


-Altitude 1m Æ Altimeter display 1 in meter

-Altitude 1ft Æ Altimeter display 1 in feet
-QNH hPaÆ locally reduced pressure readout at sea level in relation to Alt1

Altitude A1 can be selected as unit ft in the user defined fields. This information
might be important when being in contact with an air traffic manager.

If the user does not know the altitude of his present location, he may obtain the data
by fading in the User Field QNH and, using the arrow keys, by changing the altitude
value until the QNH matches the actual QNH as per weather forecast or indication
issued by air traffic management.




Mod Alt 1 uv

Alt 1