J.1.9 advertising control property, J.1.10 passkey property, J.1.9 – MagTek DynaPro Mini Programmer's99875629 User Manual
Page 109: Advertising control property, J.1.10, Passkey property, Appendix j - ble module control data
Appendix J - BLE Module Control Data
DynaPro Mini| PIN Encryption Device | Programmer’s Reference (Commands)
Page 109
J.1.9 Advertising Control property
Property ID: 0x06
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes. Changes made to this property will persist even if the device is powered off or reset.
This property should only be changed once during device configuration. Modifying this property too
many times will wear out flash memory.
Default value: 0x00
Description: This property contains the advertising control bits, which control when the device advertises
using Bluetooth Low Energy. This is a one-byte value defined as follows:
Table 3-102 - BLE Advertising Control Property
Name Reserved
set to 0
set to 0
set to 0
set to 0
set to 0
set to 0
Advertise after reset:
0 (default): The device will not advertise after BLE reset until the user either presses and releases the
power button or connects the device to USB power (see section 2.3 How to Use BLE Connections).
1: The device will advertise automatically after being reset. The user can’t turn off advertising using the
power button.
Never Advertise:
0 (default value): The device will advertise.
1: The device will never advertise. This mode may be useful for users who only want to use the USB
interface and don’t want the device to advertise.
Example Get Advertise Control property:
Request message (hex): 00 00 06
Response message (hex): 01 00 00
Example Set Advertise Control property:
Request message (hex): 00 01 06 00
Response message (hex): 01 00
J.1.10 Passkey property
Property ID: 0x07
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes. Changes made to this property will persist even if the device is powered off or reset.
This property should only be changed once during device configuration. Modifying this property too
many times will wear out flash memory.
Default value: 0 (000000)
Description: This property contains the Bluetooth passkey.
This property is a four byte hex value that represents a six digit decimal number between 000000 and
999999. The first hex byte is the least significant byte (LSB). Because the maximum decimal value