J.1.6 configuration revision property, J.1.7 power timeout property, J.1.6 – MagTek DynaPro Mini Programmer's99875629 User Manual
Page 107: Configuration revision property, J.1.7, Power timeout property, Appendix j - ble module control data
Appendix J - BLE Module Control Data
DynaPro Mini| PIN Encryption Device | Programmer’s Reference (Commands)
Page 107
Example Get Bluetooth Device Name property:
Request message (hex): 00 00 02
Response message (hex): 01 00 31 32 33 (device name “123”)
Example Set Bluetooth Device Name property:
Request message (hex): 00 01 02 31 32 33 (device name “123”)
Response message (hex): 01 00
J.1.6 Configuration Revision property
Property ID: 0x03
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes. Changes made to this property will persist even if the device is powered off or reset.
This property should only be changed once during device configuration. Modifying this property too
many times will wear out flash memory.
Default value: 0
Description: This property contains the configuration revision. The configuration revision can be used by
the host to determine if the BLE module’s non-volatile properties have been configured and if so to what
revision they have been configured to. For example, after the host configures the BLE module’s non-
volatile properties to a certain state it may also want to bump this configuration revision to 1. Then the
host can check this configuration revision on power up and use it to determine if the BLE module’s non-
volatile properties have been configured to the desired state or not. For example if the configuration
revision is 0 then the module needs to be configured and if it is set to 1 then it has already been
configured to the desired configuration.
The BLE module’s non-volatile properties are stored in flash memory so they should not be changed too
many times or the flash memory may wear out. This property is a one byte value that can be set to any
value between 0 and 255.
Example Get Configuration Revision property:
Request message (hex): 00 00 03
Response message (hex): 01 00 01 (configuration revision 1)
Example Set Configuration Revision property:
Request message (hex): 00 01 03 01 (configuration revision 1)
Response message (hex): 01 00
J.1.7 Power Timeout property
Property ID: 0x04
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes. Changes made to this property will persist even if the device is powered off or reset.
This property should only be changed once during device configuration. Modifying this property too
many times will wear out flash memory.
Default value: 60 seconds
Description: This property contains the power timeout. The power timeout is used to automatically power
off the main logic board if the main board is powered up by the power on/off switch and a Bluetooth
connection is not established. The main board is also powered up when a Bluetooth connection is