DAVIS Weather Monitor II (7440, 7440CS) User Manual
Page 41

Weather Monitor II
Page 37
Each station uses a rainfall calibration number (CAL) to determine how much
water each bucket tip (i.e., pulse) represents. The default calibration number
for rainfall assumes that you use a 0.01” rain collector.
= #
(1 / CAL)
Default CAL = 100 (for 0.01" rain collector).
If you have a 0.2 mm rain collector, you must change the calibration number.
First adjust the console to display rainfall in millimeters and then change CAL
to 0005. (For instructions on how to change CAL, see “Changing Calibration
Numbers” below). Be aware that the console will revert to its default calibra-
tion (i.e., inches) if it loses power.
Make sure you display rainfall in the appropriate units of measure before changing CAL; otherwise
you will be setting the wrong calibration number. If, by mistake, you change CAL before switching to
the appropriate units, you can rectify the error by switching to the appropriate units and then enter-
ing the appropriate CAL (for millimeters, 0005; for inches, 0100).
Once the console is calibrated for 0.01” (default) or 0.2 mm, you can switch the
display units as often as you like; the console accurately converts rainfall
amounts regardless of the type of rain collector you use.
1. Press the appropriate key (e.g., TEMP, RAIN, etc.) to display the reading whose CAL
number you wish to change.
2. Press UNITS to display the desired unit of measure.
3. If you are changing the CAL for wind speed, temperature, or humidity, press the key
you pressed in step 1 (i.e., WIND, TEMP, or HUM) again so the reading you do NOT
want to change appears in the display.
For example, to change outside temperature, display inside temperature. If you
are changing the CAL for rain, skip to step 4.
4. Press the key you pressed in step 1 and hold the key down.
After a few seconds, the display will begin to alternate between the word CAL
and the reading you want to change. After a few more seconds, the current cali-
bration number appears.
5. Use ENTER to set CAL. (See “Using the Enter Key” on page 16 for instructions.)
If you want to enter a negative CAL for temperature or humidity, first enter the
number without the negative sign. Then return to the second digit on the left and
hold down ENTER. The display cycles through the possible entries, one of which
is a negative sign.
If you do not begin entering numbers within the first second after you select a digit, the display will
exit calibration mode and return to its normal display.