Creating asynchronous mirror groups, Async mirror group disabled operations tab fields – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual

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The size of the temporary virtual disk which holds the modifications made on the
PiT. This field shows you how much capacity from the storage pool is used by the


A free text display field.


Yes indicates that this PiT was a user created mirror PiT.

Is Mirror User PiT

Async mirror group information—Source & Destination PiTs tab

The Source & Destination PiTs tab shows which PiTs are currently available on the source domain and
on each task destination. The PiTs are identified by name and creation time. When the mirror copies
a source PiT to a destination, the destination copy of the PiT has a different name. Therefore, use the
time stamp to identify the PiT that you would like to use.

The Source & Destination PiTs tab displays the following information for each PiT.

Table 117 Asynchronous mirror group Source & Destination PiTs tab fields


Display field

The row number.


The time at which the PiT was created on the source element.


The name of the PiT on the source domain. If this field is blank, the source PiT has
been deleted. You can identify a user PiT by the letters UP which appear in the
PiT name. A standard PiT has the letters MIRROR in the PiT name.

Group Source PiT

When the task is copying a PiT to the task destination, this field displays the per-
centage progress of the copy. When the copy is complete, this field displays the
name of the destination PiT for the task. If this field is blank, the destination PiT of
the task has been deleted.

Async mirror group information—Disabled Operations tab

The Disabled Operations tab shows which operations you cannot currently perform on the selected
snapclone group and the reason for each. See the release notes for a current list of disabled operations.

Table 118 Async mirror group Disabled Operations tab fields


Display field

The name of an operation that is disabled.

Operation name

The reason why the operation is disabled.


Creating asynchronous mirror groups

An async mirror group defines a source element to be mirrored asynchronously. A source element
can be any of the following:

A virtual disk. The following conditions apply:

Using mirroring