HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual

Page 246

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• Conditions must be such that a PiT can be created on the virtual disk.
• The virtual disk must not be the setup virtual disk for the domain.
• No other snapclone or migration tasks can be running currently on the virtual disk.
• The virtual disk must not be a destination virtual disk of any VSM service task. (The virtual disk

can be a source element for a VSM service task.)

A snapshot. The following conditions apply:
• No other snapclone or migration tasks can be running currently on the snapshot.
• Conditions must be such that a PiT can be created on the snapshot.
• The snapshot must not be a member of a VDG.

A VDG. The following conditions apply:
• No other snapclone or migration tasks can be running currently on the VDG.
• The VDG must not be the destination of another VSM service task.
• Conditions must be such that a PiT can be created on the VDG.

A VDG snapshot.

Creating snapclone groups on virtual disks or snapshots


For snapclone groups created on virtual disks or snapshots, the source virtual disk or snapshot retains
its original OpenVMS Unit ID (OUID) and the destination virtual disk or snapshot is assigned the
default OUID of 0.

To create a snapclone group on a virtual disk or snapshot:


Do one of the following:

a. Right-click the virtual disk or snapshot that you want to snapclone.

b. Select Manage > Snapclone Service > Create Snapclone Group. The Create Snapclone wizard
opens to the Enter Snapclone Group parameters screen.


a. Right-click the Snapclone Group node.

b. Select New > On Virtual Disk to snapclone a virtual disk or New > On Snapshot to snapclone
a snapshot. The Create Multi Snapclone Group wizard opens to the Enter Snapclone Group
parameters screen.


In the Group name field, enter the name of the group.


In the Task name field, enter a name for the first task that will run on the group.


In the Destination name field, enter the name of the destination virtual disk that will be created.


Optionally, designate a virtual disk as thin provisioned by checking the Thin Provision option.
This option is not applicable for a snapshot.

Using snapclones